Project Details
  • Client Name : Essar Oil Ltd.
  • Project : We are awarded work for work of Hydro Carbon units of SRU / SWS plants from grass root level and revamp works ( expansion work with existing running plants ) for NHT / CCR / ISOM units along with one tapered RCC chimney of 82 MTR height in the month of February 2016 of amount Rs 48.44 CR without GST to complete within 24 months time period and to hand over in time for further erection activities to other agency and to be commissioned for production. We have completed the entire job within 11 months and handed over to other agency for erection of equipments. All the plants are being commissioned in time and we are issued work completion certificate on 31st December 2018. i.e within 21 months awarded work is completed along with other new works of Cooling Tower / Sulphur Pit / UCT – PCT Channel works to the best satisfaction of the client. We are under consideration of India’s leading construction firms ( 3rd no we acquired ) who have completed All the units of HYDROCARBON PLANTS in one GO at a time.
  • Location : Vadinar - Jamnagar
  • Cost of Construction With (FIM) : 70.81 Crore
  • Construction Area : 28,000 SQM
  • Start Year : 2017
  • End Year : New Work Continue...
  • Project Type : Industrial
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